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Thursday, January 16, 2020

Why do volcanoes erupt?

Why do volcanoes erupt?

Eruption of Taal Volcano photo via Reddit

Volcanoes emit when liquid stone called magma ascends to the surface. Magma is framed when the world's mantle softens.

Dissolving may happen where structural plates are pulling separated or where one plate is pushed down under another.

Magma is lighter than rock so ascends towards the Earth's surface. As the magma rises, air pockets of gas structure inside it.

Runny magma ejects through openings or vents in the world's outside layer before streaming onto its surface as magma.

In the event that magma is thick, gas bubbles can only with significant effort break and weight develops as the magma rises.

At the point when the weight is a lot of a hazardous emission can occur, which can be perilous and ruinous.

Another way an emission happens is when water underneath the surface interfaces with hot magma and makes steam, this can develop enough strain to cause a blast.

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